SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - La canta delle marane
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy La canta delle marane

La canta delle marane ( Le Chant des fossés )
Cecilia Mangini
1961 - Italie - Couleur - 10'

An apparently unconcerned eulogy to the existential anarchy of Roman sub-proletarians, to their desperate vitality, to their communities of play... In fact the film is a gripping social portrait and a precise denunciation, sketched out with no sociological heaviness because the point of view is full of devotion and a love that never becomes paternalistic. Thanks to a form relying on unfettered continuous-shot scenes, the goal is fully reached and the film moves us as much as it makes us indignant.

Author : Pier Paolo Pasolini
Photography : Giuseppe De Mitri
Editing : Renato May
Music : Egisto Macchi
Production : Documento Film
Distribution : Fondo Pier Paolo Pasolini
(andrea.meneghelli@cineteca.bologna.it, +39 051 60 18 60)