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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Stefano Savona Oranges and Oil

Oranges and Oil
Stefano Savona, Letizia Gullo, Alessia Porto, Ester Sparatore
2010 - Italie - Couleur - 75'

First fragments of Stefano Savona's documentary project Pain de saint Joseph in which a hundred Sicilian peasants speak to us of the day they were hungry and the day their hunger was finally satisfied. At once the recital of an extinct civilisation and the late harvest of long buried stories, these testimonials reveal the individual passions behind the silent reality of exploitation and fatigue: in the unpredictable words of the protagonists we can make out the heroic adventure of subsistence and survivable. Far from the bucolic stereotypes where redemptive value is ascribed to work, these first person picaresque adventures unveil a hitherto ignored territory.

Production : Lotus Productions, Pulsemedia
Distribution : Tiffinbox (stefano.savona@gmail.com, + 39 34 71 73 73 72)