SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Unhurried Man
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Story of a Production : Alter Ego – l'atelier documentaire The Unhurried Man

The Unhurried Man ( L’Homme qui n’a pas d'heure )
Vianney Lambert, Vincent Reignier
2014 - France - Noir & Blanc - 30'

Dominique, When I asked you if you liked being photographed, You said : “No ! It freaks me out. You see yourself and you see what you’d rather not see.” We met only for the duration of the shooting of a film, a film with images that you leave behind and images that you take with you.

Author : Mohamed Ouzine, Vianney Lambert
Photography : Vianney Lambert
Sound : Vincent Reignier
Editing : Vincent Reignier, Vianney Lambert
Production : Alter Ego Production
(info@alterego-prod.com, +33 (0)2 38 80 79 44)