SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Kilka opowieści o człowieku (A Few Stories About Man)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Bogdan Dziworski Kilka opowieści o człowieku (A Few Stories About Man)

Kilka opowieści o człowieku (A Few Stories About Man)
Bogdan Dziworski
1983 - Pologne - Couleur - 19'

A film about the overcoming of physical handicap, thanks to courage, perseverance and humor. The hero of the film is a thirty seven year-old man who lost both hands at the age of twelve, Jerzy Orłowski. In spite of the severe disability he lives like other people, he is a man full of joy, a great athlete, an astonishing artist and a tender father. Using an incredibly rich soundscape and many formal inventions with the camera, Bogdan Dziworski tells us a funny and painful parable about cruel fate and human strength of character. A masterpiece of Polish cinema.

Photography : Krzysztof Ptak
Sound : Jan Freda
Editing : Agnieszka Bojanowska
Production : Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych
Distribution : Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych (wfo@wfo.com.pl, +48 42 689 23 45)