SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Kijima Stories
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Sacem Day Kijima Stories

Kijima Stories
Lætitia Mikles
2013 - France - Couleur - 30'

“Mr Kijima is no longer a yakuza. He has chosen a completely different destiny”, claims an article in a Sapporo (Japan) newspaper. But is it true? A mysterious sketcher crosses the North of Japan in search of witnesses who might confirm or refute the existential turnaround of the ex-mafioso. As the encounters multiply, the investigation is doubled by another tale, entirely visual, composed of sketches and furtive sequences of animation.

Photography : Nicolas Duchêne
Sound : Victor Pereira, Roman Dymny
Editing : Marie-Pierre Frappier, Emmanuelle Pencalet
Music : Martin Wheeler
Production : Night Light, La Facture, Les Films d’ici