SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Hugh MacDiarmid: A Portrait
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Ute Aurand and Margaret Tait Hugh MacDiarmid: A Portrait

Hugh MacDiarmid: A Portrait
Margaret Tait
1964 - Royaume-Uni - 9'

An offbeat, affectionate portrait of the Scottish poet, Hugh MacDiarmid. The bard emerges as a warm and affectionate subject, in just nine minutes. A study of the poet, who was seventy-one at the time. There is straightforward material of him in his own home, and in addition to speaking his own poems, the poet gracefully enacts the filmmaker’s interpretation of them. "I saw the poet as a circus performer really enjoying balancing on the high wire." (Margaret Tait)

Photography : Margaret Tait
Sound : Margaret Tait
Editing : Margaret Tait
Music : F.G. Scott
Production : Ancona Films
Distribution : Lux (distribution@lux.org.uk, +44 (0)20 7503 3980)