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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Viewing Experiences Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
Nadine Naous
2014 - France/Liban - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 59'

The director returns to her native Lebanon due to the financial difficulties of her father, the principal of a progressive school in a Shia district of Beirut. The family home forms the venue for frequent lively and often humorous discussions. From these debates emerge the recent history of the country and the way political change has irreversibly transformed society.

Photography : Talal Khoury, Nedjma Berder
Sound : Myriam Chayeb
Editing : Gladys Joujou, Pauline Casalis
Music : Waël Khodel
Production : TS Productions, Umam Productions, Paris Brest productions
(tsproductions@tsproductions.net, +33 (0)1 53 10 24 00)