Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Doc Route: Czech Republic — And a detour by Slovakia Home

Home ( Domov )
Margareta Hruza
2002 - République tchèque - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 55'

In 1969 a pregnant 18-year-old girl flees her country with her married lover as the Russian tanks roll into the streets of Prague. They end up in Norway. They have a daughter. They become successful in the world of theater. At the height of fortune the mother decides to send her 15-year-old daughter away. They are never to live together after that. The author is searching for answers to find out where her true home really is. This is a personal exploration of the physical and mental repercussions of emigration.

Photography : Petr Koblovský, Jakub Šimůnek
Sound : Tomáš Kubec
Editing : Lucia Haladová, Tonička Janková, Joseph Valušiak
Production : Negativ
Distribution : Lombardo Films GmbH (graf@lombardofilms.com, +49 89 21 66 76 36)