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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Viewing Experiences Maternal Histories

Maternal Histories
Anouk Dominguez-Degen
2015 - Suisse - Couleur - 28'

Maternal Histories is an inward journey based on the author’s family archive. The film explores intimacy, words and silence to inspect the various shades of so-called “maternal instinct”. The author questions the implicit inheritance which passes down from generation to generation and the conflicting desires that haunt her as a woman and a mother.

Photography : Maurice Degen, Anouk Dominguez-Degen, Aurea Degen, Jehan Dominguez
Sound : Rudy Decelière
Editing : Anouk Dominguez-Degen
Music : Hicham Chahidi
Production : C-Side Productions