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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Doc History: Denmark Herfra min verden går (La Source de mon monde)

Herfra min verden går (La Source de mon monde)
Christian Braad Thomsen
1976 - Danemark - Couleur - 81'

“Bjertrup is a small village in the East of Jutland made up of six or seven small farms and a few larger ones. The village is a little hidden between Jeksen Dale, Bjertrup Mose and the forest of Hørning. This is where my world began, a world on the verge of disappearing.” Mixing fiction and documentary, Christian Braad Thomsen not only realizes an autobiographical picture, but also a travel film through the memories of his native village.

Photography : Morten Bruus, Dirk Brüel
Sound : Gert Madsen
Editing : Grete Møldrup
Production : Kollektiv Film
Distribution : Danish Film Institute (Thomasc@dfi.dk, +45 33 74 35 76)