SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Haru - The Island of the Solitary
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Doc Route: Finland Haru - The Island of the Solitary

Haru - The Island of the Solitary ( Haru - Yksinäisten Saari )
Kanerva Cederström, Riikka Tanner
1998 - Finlande - Couleur - 43'

The Finnish writer Tove Jansson with her companion Tuulikki Pietilä have passed twenty-five summers on their minute island. Twenty years of the intimacy of a female couple, their growing old together, told in the superb notes of the writer and in the images which they filmed of each other. A film both touching and poetic.

Author : Tove
Photography : Tuulikki, Tove Jansson
Editing : Kanerva, Riikka Tanner
Production : Lumifilm Ltd.
Distribution : Finnish Film Foundation (marja.pallassalo@ses.fi, +358 9 6220 3021)