SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Giac mo la cong nhan - Workers’ Dreams
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Uncertain Viewpoints Giac mo la cong nhan - Workers’ Dreams

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Giac mo la cong nhan - Workers’ Dreams ( Giac mo la cong nhan - Rêves d’ouvrières )
Thao Tran
2006 - France - Couleur - 52'

Toan and Ngan fill in employment application forms, go to interviews but fail to get a job. Dinh talks about the working conditions in the international corporations, which have set up in Vietnam and voices her claims. Thao films Toan and Ngan during those long waiting days while they encourage and comfort each other. They talk about their hopes and disappointments, the lack of money and love.

Photography : Thao Tran
Sound : Thao Tran
Editing : Aurélie Ricard
Production : Ateliers Varan Vietnam
Distribution : Ateliers Varan (contact@ateliersvaran.com, +33 (0)1 43 56 64 04)