SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Férfiarckép (Portrait d'un homme)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Sándor Sára Férfiarckép (Portrait d'un homme)

Férfiarckép (Portrait d'un homme)
Imre Gyöngyössy
1963 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 9'

This moving portrait of an old country doctor is a meditation in image and word on the eternal cycle of life and death. The strongly poetic commentary describes the doctor as the one who reveals and connects life in the village, he who has unceasingly tramped along its roads for decades, as if his body had merged with the landscape. The old man is in fact the father of the film director who pays him a sad and melancholy hommage, seeing in him an image of compassion, a pietà.

Author : Poème : István Sztankay
Photography : Sándor Sára, István Gaál
Editing : István Gaál
Music : Ferenc Gerencsér
Production : András Németh
(szorenyi.dorottya@mandarchiv.hu, +36 13 94 13 22 143)