SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Father to Son
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Doc Route: Finland Father to Son

Father to Son ( Isältä pojalle )
Visa Koiso-Kanttila
2004 - Finlande - Couleur - 70'

The film deals with the conflict between generations and their subjective memories, and the way different methods of raising children pass from one generation to the next. How often and to what extent do we repeat the behavioural patterns of our fathers? Can we change or break these patterns or is repeating them inescapable, and how many generations are needed for change to occur? Are the values we have inherited from our fathers still valid in the modern world?

Photography : Marita Hällfors
Sound : Pirkko Tiitinen
Editing : Tuula Mehtonen
Production : Guerillafilms Ltd.
Distribution : Finnish Film Foundation (marja.pallassalo@ses.fi, +358 9 6220 3021)