SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Entretien avec Almiro Vilar da Costa
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Doc Route: Portugal Entretien avec Almiro Vilar da Costa

Entretien avec Almiro Vilar da Costa ( Entrevista com Almiro Vilar da Costa )
Sergio da Costa
2009 - Suisse - Couleur - 29'

A dialogue between the director and his father — who immigrated from Portugal towards Switzerland in 1979 — about past, present and future. In the course of the conversation a portrait of their relationship gradually emerges. Is it possible to feel the distance that can separate an immigrant father from his son?

Photography : Lionel Rupp, José Coelho
Sound : Maya Kosa, Didier Crepey
Editing : Sergio da Costa
Production : HEAD
Distribution : Sergio da Costa (sergiodc@ymail.com)