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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Open air Between Fences

Between Fences ( Bein gderot )
Avi Mograbi
2016 - Israël/France - Couleur - 84'

Filmmaker Avi Mograbi and stage director Chen Alon go off to meet African asylum seekers that the state of Israel detains in a camp in the middle of the Neguev desert. Together, through a workshop inspired by “Theatre of the Oppressed”, they question the status of refugee. What is the decisive element that causes these men and women to leave behind everything they possess one day to head off into the unknown? Why does Israel, a land of refugees, refuse to consider the fate of these refugees fleeing war and persecution?

Photography : Philippe Bellaïche
Sound : Tully Chen, Ronen Geva, Negassi Mengstu
Editing : Avi Mograbi
Music : Noam Enbar
Production : Avi Mograbi Production, Les Films d'Ici
Distribution : Météore films (films@meteore-films.fr, +33 (0) 1 42 54 96 20)