SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Waiting for the Flood
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Viewing Experiences Waiting for the Flood

Waiting for the Flood
Serge Steyer
2015 - France - Couleur - 58'

Economy, climate, politics, education, health... The world is shaken by all sorts of crises. What can we do? What action to take in the face of an imminent catastrophe, when extremism is on the rise and we feel powerless to change the course of events? Serge Steyer spent a year with the Shapiro family, whose members are haunted by these questions. In their house that overlooks the beautiful Gulf of Morbihan in Bretagne, they try to comprehend and to make friends aware of the situation...keeping things “light” nevertheless.

Photography : Serge Steyer
Sound : Serge Steyer
Editing : Matthieu Bretaud
Production : Les Films du Balibari