Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Uncertain Viewpoints El Negret

El Negret
Jean-Paul Roig
2009 - France - Couleur - 69'

The grandson of the republican mayor of a Spanish small village of Bas-Aragon during the Civil war finds, in Toulouse, Joaquin Monreal, anarcho-syndicalist, who militated with the C.N.T. in the village. El Negret, as they call him, took part in 1936, within an antifascist and revolutionary Committee, in the implementation of a Community in the village, with family wages, suppression of the currency and abolition of the title deeds. In Spain, between shade and light, in the peace and the silence, the village inexorably follows the course of its history. But the memory of El Negret is still present there, following the example of traces of the tragic events which proceeded there, more than seventy years ago.

Photography : Carlos Alvarez
Sound : Carlos Alvarez
Editing : Sarah Taouss-Matton, Delphine Dumont, Pauline Coudurier
Production : Zarafa Films, Jean-Paul Roig, TLT Toulouse
Distribution : Jean-Paul Roig (jean-paul.roig@orange.fr, +33 (0)1 40 33 00 16)