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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Viewing Experiences Eau douce eau salée

Eau douce eau salée
Aya Tanaka
2012 - Belgique - Couleur - 50'

In the summer of 2010 as in many previous years I stay at my parents' place in Tsukishima at the bank of the river that joins the Tokyo Bay. It is just one of those customary visits apart from the fact that I have decided to see my brother and to really listen to him the first time since he practically locked himself up in the twilight of his narrow room. Who am I to meet? Will he be the hopeless boozer I pictured for a long time, belling incomprehensible words at his sister?

Photography : Aya Tanaka
Sound : Aya Tanaka
Editing : Nathalie Chauveau, Azilys Romane, Aya Tanaka
Production : AJC (Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes), CBA
Distribution : AJC (Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes) (distribution@ajcnet.be, +32 2 534 45 23)