SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Eastern Landscape
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Séances spéciales Eastern Landscape

Eastern Landscape ( Östliche Landschaft )
Eduard Schreiber
1991 - Allemagne - Couleur - 13'

A garbage dump in Berlins north. The East became a garbage dump on which you can find the civilizations leftovers, pieces of letters and forms, broken dolls, half rotten knifes and forks. Newspaper pages are spinning around. Just moments ago a state was buried. The state gets lost of his flags. The citizens are throwing away their furniture and the symbols that could remember them on their past. An old man is trying to play the accordion, a younger one is throwing away his clothes. Crows are crossing the horizon.

Photography : Sebastian Richter
Sound : Thomas Klemm
Editing : Ingeborg Marszalek
Production : Defa Spektrum (d.basel@defa-spektrum.de, +30-246 562 116)
Distribution : Defa Spektrum (d.basel@defa-spektrum.de, +30-246 562 116)