SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Drăguş 2x40
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Doc History: Romania Drăguş 2x40

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Drăguş 2x40
Titus Muntean
2007 - Roumanie - Couleur - 28'

In 1929, a team led by Professor Dimitrie Gusti made the first sociological documentary in Romania, in the mountain village of Drăguş. Forty years later, in communist times, another film is made in the same village. Nowadays, after another forty years, the film authors attempt to capture the actual image of Drăguş.

Photography : Ancuta Iordanescu
Sound : Dana Bunescu
Editing : Dobrica Lospam, Dana Bunescu
Production : FAV (fav@fav.ro, +40 21 3 111 367)
Distribution : FAV (fav@fav.ro, +40 21 3 111 367)