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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Doc History : Portugal Douro, travail fluvial

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Douro, travail fluvial ( Douro, Faina Fluvial )
Manoel de
1931 - Portugal - Noir & Blanc - 18'

This documentary emerged in the period of the transition between the silent era of film and sound cinematography and is an exercise in the possibilities of film expression. It introduces a working town, its bridges, narrow streets, and the ships transported along an eternal river. This avant-garde elegy, Douro, faina fluvial, ranks among the works of Walter Ruttmann, Jean Vigo, Dziga Vertov and Joris Ivens.

Photography : Antonio Mendes
Editing : Manoel de
Production : Tobis Portuguesa
Distribution : Cinemateca Portuguesa/ANIM (Tél : +351 21 968 94 00, Fax : +351 21 968 94 99)