SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Disneyland, mon vieux pays natal
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Sacem Day Disneyland, mon vieux pays natal

Disneyland, mon vieux pays natal
Arnaud Des Pallières
2001 - France - Couleur - 46'

Disneyland exists, children too no doubt. Children are not difficult: their dream is to be just anybody, to live anyhow, to go anywhere, and they do. That is what the life of children is: they do not decide, they do not decide anything. Life is only what it is, nothing else, and they know that. Children love life, everyone knows that, but nothing obliges them to love the life that they have.

Photography : Arnaud Des Pallières
Sound : Olivier Mauzevin, Arnaud Des Pallières, Martin Wheeler
Editing : Arnaud Des Pallières
Production : Les Films d'ici
(celine.paini@lesfilmsdici.fr, +33 (0)1 44 52 23 23)