SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Dans un jardin je suis entré
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Special screenings Dans un jardin je suis entré

Dans un jardin je suis entré ( Once I Entered a Garden )
Avi Mograbi
2012 - France/Suisse/Israël - Couleur - 97'

Once I Entered a Garden fantasizes an "Old" Middle East, wherein communities were not divided along ethnic and religious lines ; a Middle East in which even metaphorical borders had no place. In Ali (the director's Palestinian friend) and Avi's joint-adventure, the journey they take to their own and each other's communal histories in a time machine born of their friendly encounter, the Middle East of the past — the one in which they could coexist effortlessly — ressurfaces with commensurate ease.

Photography : Philippe Bellaïche
Sound : Florian Eidenbenz
Editing : Rainer M. Trinkler
Music : Noam Embar
Production : Films d'ici, Dschoint Ventschr AG, Avi Mograbi Productions
Distribution : Épicentre films (info@epicentrefilms.com, +33 (0)1 43 49 03 03)