SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - From the Depths of My Heart
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Docmonde From the Depths of My Heart

From the Depths of My Heart
Sophie Louÿs
2018 - France - Couleur - 48'

A stage, a ron! Poets succeed one another to deliver their lines in Creole while stomping the ground with their feet. If poetry had the uncanny power to heal the wounds of history, if it were a way to inhabit the earth, on Reunion Island, it would be named fonnkèr (“fond’cœur” in French, from the bottom of one’s heart). “Brouillon d’un rêve” grant recipient

Photography : Raphaël O’Byrne
Sound : Alain Rosenfeld
Editing : Jean-Michel Perez
Production : We Film, France Télévisions