SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Dreaming Under Capitalism
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 La Scam Day Dreaming Under Capitalism

Dreaming Under Capitalism
Sophie Bruneau
2017 - Belgique - Couleur - 63'

Twelve people recount and then interpret their memory of a dream about work. These mistreated souls describe, in a poetic and political way, their subjective suffering at work. Bit by bit, the dreamers and their dreams portray a world dominated by neoliberal capitalism.

Photography : Johan Legraie, Hichame Alaouié, Pierre Choqueux, Maxime Fuhrer
Sound : Marc-Antoine Roudil, Ludovic Van Pachterbeke, Corinne Dubien
Editing : Philippe Boucq, Valène Leroy
Production : Alter Ego Films, Michigan Films, RTBF, ARTE GEIE, CBA, Le Fresnoy