SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Conversion: The Guide of Skin Allergy Treatment
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Viewing Experiences Conversion: The Guide of Skin Allergy Treatment

Conversion: The Guide of Skin Allergy Treatment ( Conversion: Le Guide du traitement de l'allergie de la peau )
Afsaneh Salari
2015 - Belgique/Iran - Couleur - 10'

I am from Iran. I am safe and I walk down the streets of Brussels, but I am obsessed with the news I hear about the massacres taking place in the Middle-East. I find a solution; my conversion begins.

Photography : Afsaneh Salari
Sound : Afsaneh Salari
Editing : Afsaneh Salari
Production : Docnomads