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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Viewing Experiences From the Fields

From the Fields
Rachel Vulliens
2015 - Suisse - Couleur - 44'

« Childhood, the carefree life on a Swiss farm. There are the gestures of children and those of adults. There are games and work. The warmth of home and the fresh air of wood. Life with family, and with friends, animals and nature. Charles and Lucas are barefoot on the ground, their heads in the clouds. In Chiens des champs it’s their territory that is gradually revealed. . . . The camera follows as closely as possible, but draws out their playground, through their games, from the house to the forest, through the fields, reconstructed by dots, limitless. Absolute freedom. » (Madeline Robert)

Photography : Mirjam Landolt, Rachel Vulliens
Editing : Rachel Vulliens
Production : Vue sur mer Films