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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Scam Day Red Hair and Black Coffee

Red Hair and Black Coffee ( Cheveux rouges et café noir )
Milena Bochet
2012 - Belgique/France - Couleur - 56'

Hermanovce, Slovak Republic. A Romany village located deep down in the valley, with old shacks and newer concrete ones. A spirit is wandering around… the spirit of Vozarania, the ancestor that still passes things on from mother to daughter. Four women tell us about their day-to-day life through ancient habits, along with words that travel near borders with different worlds. Stories about red hair and black coffee.

Photography : Dominique Henry
Sound : Ludovic van Pachterbeke
Editing : Karima Saïdi
Production : Iota Production, Perspective Films, CBA, Gsara, Graphoui
Distribution : Iota Production (contact@iotaproduction.com, +32 2 344 65 31)