SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Brother Yusef
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Sacem Day Brother Yusef

Brother Yusef
Nicolas Humbert, Werner Penzel
2004 - Suisse/Allemagne - Couleur - 52'

A letterbox in a wintry forest on a narrow road in the middle of nowhere: this is where Yusef Lateef lives secluded from the world, on his own with his instruments. With a tinge of melancholy, he describes his memories of working with John Coltrane and Dizzy Gillespie. Lateef’s anecdotes and reflections about making music are interrupted by his singing and playing. The old man radiates profound and calm sincerity when talking and playing music. Lateef says that one’s personal search for one’s voice is the root of creativity.

Photography : Chilinski
Sound : Jean Vapeur
Editing : Simone Fürbringer
Production : Balzli & Fahrer Filmproduktion, CineNomad
Distribution : CineNomad (cinenomad@aol.com)