SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Braddock America
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Editing, a way of writing — Case Study Braddock America

Braddock America
Gabriella Kessler, Jean-Loïc Portron
2013 - France - Couleur - 101'

Braddock, Pennsylvania, is a wreck of a town populated by a few hard-boiled survivors. If they still find the power to stick it out in this hostile place, it is because they are aware that buried in the soil and memories of this minuscule portion of the American land lie the traces of events that were essential in forming the history of their nation.

Author : Jean-Loïc Portron
Photography : Jean-Loïc Portron
Sound : Gabriella Kessler
Editing : Véronique Lagoarde-Ségot
Music : Valentin Portron
Production : Program 33 (Christine Doublet)
Distribution : ZED Distribution (mscoube@zed.fr, +33 (0)1 53 09 96 96)