SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Bläckfiskens bok
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Eric M. Nilsson Bläckfiskens bok

Bläckfiskens bok
Eric M. Nilsson
1995 - Suède - Couleur - 82'

Bläckfiskens bok is made up of three short films (Första resan, Drömresan and Sista resan). While making these movies, Nilsson tried to put himself in an artificial depression in order to see the world as an angry and sad man. “My mind functions like a spider's web: all the images, all the ideas, all the sentences, all the idiocies stick. Thus am I a prisoner.”

Photography : Eric M. Nilsson
Sound : Eric M. Nilsson
Editing : Eric M. Nilsson
Production : Sveriges Television