SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Bilder von Vietnam
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Peter Nestler Bilder von Vietnam

Bilder von Vietnam ( Bilder från Vietnam )
Peter Nestler
1972 - Suède - Noir & Blanc - 24'

Using photos by Thomas Billhardt (who worked in the GDR) and other still images, this is Nestler’s most important film against the Vietnam war and American economic and cultural imperialism. It concentrates on the struggle for liberation by the Vietnamese, but also on the daily life, art and culture, dignity and pride of a people. Zsóka Nestler, Peter’s wife, reads the voice-over text.

16 mm projection

Author : Peter Nestler, en collaboration avec Zsóka Nestler
Photography : Gunnar Larsson, Peter Nestler
Sound : Sveriges Radio
Editing : Peter Nestler
Production : Sveriges Radio