SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Belle de Nuit – Grisélidis Réal, Self Portraits
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Reruns Belle de Nuit – Grisélidis Réal, Self Portraits

Belle de Nuit – Grisélidis Réal, Self Portraits
Marie-Ève de Grave
2016 - Belgique - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 74'

“Please mention that I am a painter, a writer and a revolutionary whore !” Grisélidis Réal The film is an immersion in the writings of Grisélidis Réal, a scandalous public woman, and tells the personal and dazzling journey of an extraordinary person. Fictional images inspired by her writings, drawings, photographs, interviews and archives make up the multi-faceted portrait of a beautiful rebel always seeking for freedom and belonging. A life being written, also revealing a wonderful writer.

Photography : Jorge Piquer Rodriguez, Sébastien Koeppel
Sound : Ludovic Van Paschterbeke
Editing : Simon Arazi
Music : Pierre Aviat
Production : On Move Productions, RTBF, CBA