SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Gossip at “The Shot Pillars”
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Doc History: Romania Gossip at “The Shot Pillars”

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Gossip at “The Shot Pillars” ( Barfe la Stâlpii împuşcați )
Cornel Mihalache
2006 - Roumanie - Couleur - 25'

January 2006, Cluj Napoca. In the center of the city, on the sidewalk near the monument dedicated to the Heroes of the Revolution, killed in December 1989, two people are chatting. A television reporter approaches them and inquires about the meaning of the monument, which the people call “the shot pillars”. The conversation gradually turns to politics, because we are in Romania and because it is cold outside.

Photography : Sorin Manu
Editing : Dragos Soare Rada
Production : TVR
Distribution : Cornel Mihalache (cornelmihalache@yahoo.com)