SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Avamposto
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy Avamposto

Avamposto ( Avant-poste )
Giulio Questi
1959 - Italie - Couleur - 12'

Giulio Questo, director of psychedelic westerns in the sixties, was also an important documentarian who is worth rediscovering. Avamposto is one of his most successful films. Through rigorous and composite images, we see the passing of the seasons, life in its most tenuous and daily aspects in the metaphysical landscape of the Po di Tolle, the Delta's most desolate and evocative stretch of land.

Photography : Giulio Gianini
Editing : Enzo Alabiso
Production : M. L. Carteny
(juan.delvalle@fondazionecsc.it, +39 06 72 29 43 15)