SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Au travail, corps et âme
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Doc Route: Germany Au travail, corps et âme

Au travail, corps et âme ( Work Hard, Play Hard )
Carmen Losmann
2011 - Allemagne - Couleur - 88'

A documentary about the removal of boundaries in the workplace. Man, as the most important motor of growth in our highly skilled Western services society, has become the focus of modern management practices. By following these different procedures, the film explores companies’ efforts to motivate their employees so that they give their maximum performance. From innovative office architecture that is supposed to create a whole world of emotions for employees, to the complete digital registration of employees’ personality traits, the workingman has now entered the matrix of a total working world.

Photography : Dirk Lütter
Sound : Andreas Hildebrandt, Ulla Kösterke, Filipp Forberg
Editing : Henk Drees
Production : Hupe Film
Distribution : Taskovski Films (festivals@taskovskifilms.com)