SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - In the Name of God, of Us All, of Heaven
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Rediffusion In the Name of God, of Us All, of Heaven

In the Name of God, of Us All, of Heaven ( Au nom du Père, de tous, du ciel )
Marie-Violaine Brincard
2009 - France - Couleur - 52'

From April till July 1994, in Rwanda, a few Hutu resist to the genocidal terror and decide to shelter and to save Tutsi. Today, in spite of symbolic attempts of recognition, they are always marginalized: traitors for some people and potential killers for others. Joseph, Joséphine, Léonard, Augustin and Marguerite tell how, at the risk of their life, they hid Tutsi and helped them to escape. Their words resound then in the places where they resisted, from the hills of Nyanza to the shores of the lake Kivu, and thus, they make us sensitive to the humanity that they have shown.

Author : Marie-Violaine Brincard, François-Jérôme Brincard
Photography : Olivier Dury
Sound : Régis Muller
Editing : Anaïs Enshaïan, Marie-Violaine Brincard
Production : Les Films du Sud, France Télévisions Pôle RFO
Distribution : Les Films du Sud (lesfilmsdusud@9business.fr, +33 (0)5 61 63 92 11)