SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Flying Anne
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Outdoor Sceenings Flying Anne

Flying Anne
Catherine Van Campen
2010 - Pays-Bas - Couleur - 21'

A delicate portrayal of Anne, a young girl suffering from Tourette’s syndrome. With its gaze directed towards the sky and underscored by spherical music, the camera is in constant movement with its protagonist, thus poignantly conveying Anne’s need to escape her illness, if only for a moment.

Photography : Aage Hollander
Sound : Mark Wessner, Marc Schmidt
Editing : Albert Markus
Production : Zuidenwind Filmproductions, NCRV
Distribution : Zuidenwind Filmproductions (rob@zuidenwind.nl, +31 76 514 08 71)