SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Analisi del lavoro
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy Analisi del lavoro

Analisi del lavoro ( Analyse du travail )
Ansano Giannarelli
1972 - Italie - Noir & Blanc - 12'

An implacable inquiry into factory work, a hallucinating journey into the alienation that breaks the natural in the body, bending it to the machine to the point of robotisation. The headlong rhythm of the sequences plays dialectically with an audaciously experimental soundtrack, a mix of materials that is not content just to describe with images but which enriches their plastic force and stylistic rigour. A model of cinematographic essay which surprises by its contemporary relevance.

Author : Antonio Gramsci
Photography : Ugo Adilardi, Luigi Verga
Editing : Carlo Schellino
Music : Vittorio Gelmetti
Production : Reiac Film
(palandradi@aamod.it, +39 06 57 28 95 51)