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Dugongs et Lamantins
Jean-Albert Lièvre
1997 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

60 millions of years ago, few animals left the earth to join the oceans, among them are the "sirenians" more known as the manatees and the dugongs which are both cousins to elephant. The manatee population resides in the warm Gulf waters off the coast of Florida. The dugongs live in the south Pacific. And while the Florida sea mammals dwindling population has caused great concern among conservationists and scientists, the dugong population thrives in the waters of Philippines and Japan.
Now, thanks to technological advancements in communications, researchers in Florida, Philippines and Japan are comparing scientific data and studies in hope of solving the mystery surrounding the reduction in Florida's manatee population.

Author-Director : Jean-Albert Lièvre
Delegate Producer : Eolis productions
Co-producer : Jean-Albert Lièvre
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus Docstar
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Eolis productions
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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