Dithyrambe pour Dionysos
Et avec la nuit reviendra le temps de l'oubli
Béatrice Kordon
2007 - 56 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

Dionysus-the-god-of-wine, the son of Zeus and of a common mortal, is the most unusual character of the Greek mythology. Half-human half-god, neither a human nor a god, at the same time mortal and immortal, Dionysus offers us a world in which identities are not clear-cut and time is not linear.
Beyond the myth itself, this movie attempts to restore the meaning of the mythical act – creating a timeless, non-historical narration, telling us about the way men connect with the world.

Author-Director : Béatrice Kordon
Delegate Producer : L' Atelier 46
Contribution : Ville de Banyuls-sur-mer


Distributor : L' Atelier 46
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