Tell me Mohamed…
Layoussifi Ayoub, Jéro Yun
2012 - 30 min - HDV - Couleur - France

"Tell me Mohamed… i"s a story about a man who is living by his passion, singing. Half blind, as he has always been, Mohamed finds shelter in ‘‘Cheb Hasni’’ raï songs. His arrival in France, eight years ago, never took his talent or his wish to share his passion with strangers away from him. In spite of his illegal status in France, this Algerian spreads the parisian subway passengers on the line number two with his love songs in tribute to his native country and to his family over there.


Distributor : Nassim Elmounabbih
Disponible au Club du doc


2012 - Festival Cinéma d’Alès itinérances, Alès (France) : Sélection