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Curiosités naturelles
1 - La Déchirure - Genèse d'un continent Série-Collection : Splendeurs naturelles de l'Afrique

Jean-Marc Dauphin, Christophe Heaulme
1997 - 52 min - Vidéo - Couleur - France

This film is dedicated to natural sights, many of which are volcanic in origin and can serve to evoke the birth of the African continent. "On the African continent everything is possible... It contains the past in forms which remain intact : Petrified forests, meteorites, matter which is visible and which is the older in the world. An immutable continent whose surface changes with the seasons and life cycles..."
This film does not try to reconstruct the contnient's geological past but rather to present in an appealing and informative way a number of major natural sights.

Author-Director : Jean-Marc Dauphin, Christophe Heaulme
Delegate Producer : Kifaru films


Distributor : Kifaru films