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Commerce on-line Série-Collection : Thema : Faites de l'Internet

Gilles Cayatte, Martin Meissonnier
1998 - 10 min - France

Sellers of foie gras or wine can, thanks to the Net, from their farm, directly reach the world consumer ! It has all become safer, you only have to choose carefully and to be wary of false merchants. Interview with Bernard Dufau, chairman of IBM France.
On the Net, books are selling like hot cakes : a report from the leader, and from La Redoute and Les Trois Suisses. Customers can consult them and order them at very good prices since they by-pass the sellers.

Author-Director : Gilles Cayatte, Martin Meissonnier
Delegate Producer : Dokumenta
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Dokumenta