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Back to the Roots ("Steel Pulse")
Michel Moreau
2000 - 50 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

This documentary traces the history of a concert organised by Amnesty Senegal on 4 December 1999 in Dakar and the return to their origins of a reggae band, Steel Pulse, all originally from Africa.
Interviews, voices off telling of their days at Gorée or the shock of the slave house, a capella jam session with the children from a school, end of lunch and discussions about sex between friends, encounter with a local flautist are all pretexts for telling from the inside how the various ones have experienced this adventure...
Interspersed with flash-backs of the bus during the American tour, the film shows excerpts of Steel Pulse concerts in the USA and Dakar between the main phases of the account.
Travel diary, impression of this unique moment of the return to Africa, when the musicians show themselves as "human being as a black people", asserting their blackness, their commitment to the fight for human rights, education or the production of young African artistes.

Author-Director : Michel Moreau
Delegate Producer : Human Technology
Co-producer : BFB Productions


Distributor : Human Technology