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We'll Be Alright
( Korotkaia instruktsia po osvobogdeniu )

Alexander Kuznetsov
2016 - 80 min - HD - Couleur - France

Psychiatric Hospital of Tinskaya. Yulia and Katia are committed there since they are 18 and got deprived from their civill capacity. Together, they fight to regain their rights and to liberate themselves from this unfair internment.
Between hopes and disappointments, between her own world and the one of the Institution, "Liberation User Guide" is the story of their walk to freedom.

Author-Director : Alexander Kuznetsov
Photography : Alexander Kuznetsov
Sound : Alexander Kalachnikov
Editing : Alexander Abaturov
Delegate Producer : Petit à Petit production


Distributor : Nour Films


2016 - Visions du Réel, Nyon (Suisse) : Prix du jury RÉGIONYON - Long métrage le plus innovant & Prix interreligieux PR