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Bokar Rimpoché
Maître de méditation
Guy Maezelle
2006 - 57 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - Belgique

Renowned as one of Tibetan Buddhism’s great spiritual masters, Bokar Rimpoche devoted his life to the practice of meditation while living in exile in the isolation of a small mountain monastery.
As the spiritual son of Kalou Rimpoche, Bokar Rimpoche was close to the Dalaï-lama and became the meditation master of the 17th Karmapa. He was both the inheritor and the representative of an ancient wisdom, passed down from generation to generation, that awakens us to a unique reflection on the meaning of life, love and dead.
By way of a great journey through the landscapes of the Indian Himalaya, the film invites us to discover the everyday life of a grand spiritual Master. Through his teachings, Bokar Rimpoche proposes a real introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, while also transmitting to the spectator some of the happiness and inner peace he radiates as a person.


Distributor : CBA (Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel)
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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