( nid est tombé dans les flammes )

Guy-Marc Hinant
2015 - 125 min - HD - Couleur et Noir & blanc - France

In 1934, Staline created an independent state for communist Jews from the Soviet Union and around the world. Families immigrated from Ukraine, France, Brooklyn... After the purges and auto-da-fés of the 20th century, what is left of this country, its culture, and its language is teetering on the edge of oblivion. This is a darkly intimate portrait of Birobidjan, almost like an inventory prior to this community’s disappearance.


Distributor : CVB (Centre vidéo de Bruxelles)
Disponible au Club du doc


2015 - IDFA - International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) : Sélection
2015 - Filmer à tout prix, Bruxelles (Belgique) : Sélection