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Eva Stefani
2008 - 46 min - Mini DV - Couleur - Grèce

The film follows a summer season in the lives of a group of retired Greek men and women who are regular visitors at various Greek spa towns. Life around Greek spa towns moves slowly with rhythms that are reminiscent of past times. Within this listless atmosphere people feel free to do and say things they would never be allowed in their respective normal social circles. A sense of freedom and lightness is in the air. Instead of being amongst elderly people, one often gets the feeling of being around a group of teenagers in a summer camp. This joyful atmosphere often alternates with reflections on the past or on death.

Author-Director : Eva Stefani
Photography : Eva Stefani
Sound : Nikos Zoiopoulos
Editing : Alexandros Sampsonides
Delegate Producer : Graal S.A.
Broadcasting Co-producer : ERT Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (Grèce)
Contribution : Costopoulos Foundation


Distributor : Graal S.A.
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